As part of our ongoing activities around Open Access, Knowledge Exchange are inviting bids from consultants to work on our upcoming project 'Publishing Reproducible Research Output'. The overall aim of the project is to investigate current practices and barriers related to publishing reproducible research output and to determine how infrastructure (technical and social) can support this. We are looking for consultants who can work with us to conduct a gap analysis and investigate researchers' need in order to make research outputs more reproducible and how infrastructures (both technical and social) can support them. The main focus of the activity is on requirements to enable researchers to publish reproducible research output. As a sub-goal, KE would like to explore disciplinary differences and map different research areas on a spectrum of reproducibility.
Full details of the work and requirements of this work are outlined in the 'Call for Bids' document.
If you have any questions around this work, please contact; Juliane Kant (juliane.kant@dfg.de) or Anna Mette Morthorst (ammo@kb.dk) Lead and Co-Lead of the KE Task & Finish group on Publishing Reproducible Research Output To submit your proposal, please send to Sarah James (Sarah.James@jisc.ac.uk) of the Knowledge Exchange Office.
Timescales to note
It would be appreciated if you could confirm to Sarah.James@jisc.ac.uk by 10th August 2020, if you intend to submit a proposal . Proposals must be submitted to Sarah.James@jisc.ac.uk by 9 September 2020 and we will aim to inform bidders on our decision by 25 September 2020. The consultant will be expected to start work in October 2020.