Knowledge Exchange (KE) invites any platforms working in open access, publishing and communication who wishes to be included in a KE taxomomy of Alternative Publishing Platforms to answer this call for entries.
The call is part of a KE activity with the purpose to better understand what Alternative Publishing Platforms do and how they can be placed in the open scholarly communication ecosystem.
The value of Alternative Publishing Platforms is not to be underestimated. They can represent not only examples of real innovative, open access scholarly communication, but also effective 'threat infrastructures' to traditional journal publishers. These platforms represent a move away from the traditional journal as an organising principle, and might differ from traditional scholarly journals in a number of ways, including publication process, governance and underlying infrastructure.
Your contribution will be of great value. It will enable KE to build a taxonomy of various platforms that follow different paths, for example in equitable publishing models, quality control, technical features, open source, interactive publishing and so on. With the data from the call for entries we plan to produce a landscape analysis together with a toolkit enabling to manipulate and showcase the data made public by the end of September 2023.
Click here to provide your feedback.