Open Access

We support the growth and long term sustainability of Open Access through sharing knowledge and addressing emerging issues

OA Expert group rezized

Knowledge Exchange has a long history of promoting Open Access and have been working in this area for many years. We aim to share knowledge, address emerging issues, and focus on joint development within the area of Open Access publishing. Our Open Access Expert Group have published work addressing; Publishing Reproducible Research OutputsSmall Publishers and the Transition to Open Access and Alternative Publishing Platforms and are working to identify and scope new topics for Knowledge Exchange to explore.

You can find out more about the Open Access Expert Group via the link at the side of this page, and more about our Open Access activities and reports, below.

Studies, Workshops and Events

Alternative Publishing Platforms
Current work

Alternative Publishing Platforms

So many new platforms emerge, we'll explore what they do and how they can help.

Reflections on transformative agreements: From stagnant transitions to article quotas
Current work

Reflections on transformative agreements: From stagnant transitions to article quotas

A critical examination of three challenges associated with transformative agreements between consortia and publishers aimed at promoting open access.

Small Publishers and the Transition to Open Access
Current work

Small Publishers and the Transition to Open Access

Small journals and small publishers play a crucial role in scholarly communication. In this work, we aim to identify the challenges that they may face in successfully making the transition to open access.

Publishing Reproducible Research Output

Publishing Reproducible Research Output

We investigated the need to make research outputs more reproducible and how infrastructures can support them

Open Access Monitoring

Open Access Monitoring

Our work on the monitoring of open access across the Knowledge Exchange partner countries

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